Women’s underwear shower Jeffrey Dahmer’s 86-year-old father

Following the premiere of the Netflix series “Dahmer- Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story,” sick followers of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer have started attacking the murderer’s 86-year-old father Lionel.

Jeb, 34, Lionel Dahmer’s caregiver, stated that a woman in her thirties tossed her dirty underwear on his lawn, leaving his father a “nervous wreck.”

She yelled “I love you Lionel” as she tore off her underwear and hurled them into Dahmer’s yard, the caregiver said.

Another instance included a guy who made a “hostile and aggressive” effort to approach Lionel; as a consequence, Jeb put up no trespassing signs and now carries a revolver to safeguard Lionel.

In Wisconsin and Ohio, Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 young men between 1978 and 1991. He was found guilty in 1992, and two years later, at the age of 34, he was killed in jail.

According to records, Lionel currently resides in Seville, Ohio, about 25 miles west of Akron, with Shari, his second wife. Since 1978, when Joyce, the mother of his son, had an affair, they were divorced.

The new Dahmer program “blew up extremely swiftly,” Jeb told The Sun. Anything involving Dahmer goes boom. Every time a new movie or television series debuts, a lot of the craziness with the fan boys and fan girls tends to start.

Richard Jenkins plays Lionel Dahmer in the program.

We even had a woman stop at the end of the driveway, pull off her panties, and dump them in the yard, Jeb stated while describing the event with the underwear.

I had to go out there with a set of tongs to pick up this woman’s grandmother’s underwear, he added. I love you, Lionel, was being shouted by the young woman, who seemed to be in her early twenties.

Jeb said, “We’re trying not to have folks like that here, which is why I put up no trespassing and private property signs. This 20-year-old woman is tossing her undergarments towards 86-year-old Lionel. Stop, that’s all it says.

According to Jeb, who was speaking to The Sun about Lionel being harassed, “about two weeks ago we had a person come up in a nice-looking automobile right in the middle of the driveway, approximately 20 or 30 yards from the front door.”

When I left, he was behaving erratically and violently while requesting to see Lionel. The caretaker said, “He was a huge man and was being quite angry.

“Hey buddy, you have to go, you’re not going to get in,” I told him as he began cursing at me. I stepped aside when he began behaving even more bizarre. I was not armed then, but I am today,” You need to go or I’m going to call the police, I warned him as I pushed my right hip back to give the impression that I was armed. I feared that this person might hurt me. Jeb remarked, “I’m not sure whether he was on anything, but he looked to be tweaking.

The guy began to “swear” as he drove quickly away from the incident.

The caregiver continued by expressing his concerns about how such events may affect Lionel’s health.

It’s unnecessary for random individuals to turn up here, he remarked. Especially because Lionel is in his late 80s and can only roar in self-defense, I’m not going to take any risks.

Lionel is also contemplating suing Netflix because, according to Jeb in a separate interview with The Sun, he wasn’t contacted about the Evan Peters-starring series.

From what I gather and from all I have personally seen and seen, Lionel was not approached about any of these Netflix series, according to Jeb.

Due to the pandemonium and the tales we have seen, he said, “I have personally spoken to a few attorneys and we have also spoken to his publisher about it. Lionel is collecting information and considering suing the production team or even Netflix with the help of his power of attorney.

Everyone agrees that you should claim damages even if there was no communication. There was absolutely no concern for Lionel’s welfare,’ he added.

The caregiver continued by referring to his boss as a “caring parent” who would rather that people read Lionel’s 1994 memoir, “A Father’s Story,” for his perspective on his son’s horrible deeds.

He refuted a social media claim that Lionel had benefited financially from the Netflix series. Following the broadcast of the episode, another untrue rumor circulated that claimed Lionel had sold his son’s spectacles for $150,000.

Even though he avoided the spotlight after his son’s misdeeds were made public, he gave interviews after his book was published.

In his childhood, Lionel’s kid was “very bashful,” but otherwise enjoyed a typical upbringing, according to Larry King.

Additionally, he said to the late talk show host, “I’m proud of the name Dahmer,” that he had never wanted to alter it. My father worked as a barber and a teacher. He pulled himself up by his own bootstraps. Both his parents passed away while he was a very little boy. I am proud of my name and have a wonderful ancestry.

Lionel discussed his son’s 1994 murder in a more contemporary interview for the documentary Jeffrey Dahmer: Mind of a Monster in 2020, saying: “When I found out that Jeff was slain, it was simply heartbreaking.” It had a really serious impact on me.

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