Some analysts say ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa may fast be losing trust within the tripartite alliance. Political Analyst, Levy Ndou says this could change drastically if he prioritises the needs of the working class in South Africa.
On Sunday, Ramaphosa was booed just minutes before addressing the Worker’s Day Rally in Rustenburg, North West.
The event was organized by trade union federation, Cosatu, the rally was meant to allow workers from across the country to reflect on their achievements as the working class.
But that was not to be and Ndou says this shows the extent to which the working class is frustrated with the current leadership.
He says the sooner the ANC President realizes that he will need the support from the entire tripartite alliance for the second term of office, the better for him.
“What you get are promises, promises, and promises – there is also an acknowledgment on the part of the leadership of the ANC to say that ‘we have been slow and the issues that are being raised by the workers are legitimate.’ And what I see is that it appears as if the workers are losing trust in their leadership and in the ANC-led government. ”
Workers’ Day | President Ramaphosa abandons Cosatu’s May Day rally as event descends into chaos:
The South African Communist Party says Sunday’s action by workers during the May Day celebrations in Rustenburg, North West, are justifiable. As the world was commemorating Worker’s Day, here in South Africa, workers took their frustration to ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa.
They accused him of lack of implementation of the 2018 wage agreement until today, while Sibanye Mineworkers say they are being denied a R1000 salary increase by their employer.
The SACP’s Doctor Alex Mashilo says it is about time for the ANC-led government to put first the needs of the working class in South Africa. This, he says will assist a great deal in this fight against, poverty, unemployment and inequality in the country.
Doctor Mashilo says if there is no drastic action taken to resolve this, political ramifications will continue to cripple the ANC led tripartite alliance.
“As the SACP, we warned that the bureaucratic that the government followed in handling that matter, ignored its political ramifications and indeed, we saw some of this political ramifications playing themselves out during the November local government elections and culminating in what happened in Rustenburg in so far as the protest that happened yesterday, involved workers affiliated to public sector union.”