A Yale professor provoked outrage by boasting about her participation in a program that assists youngsters as early as three with their “gender journey.”
Christy Olezeski, co-director of the Yale Pediatric Gender Program and co-director of the Yale Pediatric Gender Program, stated that her team provides guidance on if and when children should seek “medical intervention.”
She later boasted that she ‘loves’ her job in the video, which was placed on Yale Medicine’s YouTube channel.
Others even claimed it was child abuse, since she was ordered to leave the youngsters alone when the video went viral online.
Olezeski stated in the video that her purpose was to “offer comprehensive, family-centered treatment for children, adolescents, and young adults who are questioning their given gender and/or seeking gender-affirming counseling.”
In a video that has since been removed from YouTube, Dr. Olezeski describes how her program assists youngsters as young as three with their “gender journey.”
In a video that has since been removed from YouTube, Dr. Olezeski describes how her program assists youngsters as young as three with their “gender journey.”
She said, “I am the director of the Yale gender program, an interdisciplinary program that works with gender-expansive persons aged 3 to 25 and their families.”
We assist persons who are uncertain about their gender identity or who identify as transgender or non-binary on their gender journey.
The program’s website specifies that transgender operations are only accessible to those over the age of 18.
There is no information on the introduction of young hormones and puberty blockers.
She also describes how the organization she oversees gives recommendations on’medical intervention’ and when such a procedure should be initiated.
Working with individuals who are gender varied, getting their support, and assisting them on their gender journeys is a tremendous honor for me since I like my profession.
On social media, the concept of youngsters who are barely out of diapers deciding to switch genders was received with anger.
“THREE-YEAR-OLDS SHOULD NOT BE FORCED TO CHANGE SEXES!” “Leave them alone,” tweeted the filmmaker and producer Robby Starbuck.

“Society has lost its marbles,” tweeted Dr. Kelli Ward, chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party.
At age 3, a child’s memories are barely beginning to form. Children believe they are dinosaurs or dogs. There is no ‘gender journey’ at age three; this is child torture,’ tweeted the comedic combo Hodge Twins.
I want Christy Olezeski to explain how a three-year-old can have a gender identity crisis. When was the last time you heard a three-year-old declare, ‘I’m a girl, but I feel like a guy,’ or anything similar?’, Pat Cordia said.
Does anybody else find this Yale Gender Programme Clinical Psychologist’s enthusiasm for dealing with 3-year-olds as unsettling as I do? What does Psychology say about this?’ added another user to Twitter.
Dr. Olezeski has been contacted by DailyMail.com for comment on her program.